Jobseeker success: Daniel Lewis. EC: Oliver Whelan

If you are going to help disabled people and others with physical and mental health conditions into work, you’ve got to have some understanding of the issues they face.

More than 40% of Workbridge staff have intimate knowledge of that particular journey, and the organisation’s chief executive Jonathan Mosen is himself blind and hearing impaired.

They walk the talk.

So when the Tertiary Education Commission was looking for ways to better support disabled students, it turned to Workbridge.

With the help of David Chapman and Oliver Whelan, who shared his experiences of working with students at Victoria University, the TEC is well on the way to fulfilling its goal.

And it too will be able to walk the talk after the appointment of project administrator Daniel Lewis, one of two “quality” candidates put forward by Workbridge.

Daniel is visually impaired and experiences depression, but he is now well into the role and “couldn’t be happier”.

“I recently started a new role within the Ōritetanga Learner Success team…I feel the work I am doing has an impact on the world,” says Daniel.

“I am supported by a kind and passionate team who have the drive to see real change within the tertiary education sector in New Zealand.”

That’s a significant step for Daniel, and his goal for a job within government. But it’s also a great stride for disabled people and their own employment journeys.